The Great King has just made you Lord of this small but rich piece of land. You have 60 seconds to deliver 4000 food! Build and replace buildings in limited space to meet different goals as you advance through a short story. Will you manage to rise to glory?

Made using the Godot engine.

Updated 3 days ago
Published 10 days ago
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorBuckwheat Games
Made withGodot
Tags2D, City Builder, Fast-Paced, Godot, Medieval, Minimalist, Real time strategy, Short, Singleplayer
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


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(2 edits) (+1)

I have to start out by saying, I didn't realize there were multiple objectives! Once I realized that it really opened up the game to me... I'm leaving the feedback below in place because it shows my initial thoughts...

This is a pretty solid idea. Not quite my thing, as I'm not big on the time pressure on games like this, but I enjoyed my runs and could see playing it again. A few points of feedback in case they're helpful:

- "Restar" button 

- Should include a way to restart mid-run. sometimes I would make an early mistake and know I was done, but had to exit a relaunch the game. An option to hold a button for #seconds to restart would be nice. 

- I would like to see why I can't build a building when I try to place it. With such a short time limit it's hard to look at the retirements, look at what you have, and make a decision. I imagine that's part of the strategy/fun for some people, but I found it frustrating. 

- I think showing what the players production currently is would be helpful. Being able to glance over and see that it had dropped to 0/sec would've made it smoother than having to wait a couple of seconds to verify that the number wasn't going up. 

- It took me a while to realize that barracks cost those resources listed. It makes sense now, I just wonder if there's a way to make it apparent from the beginning.

 - You already discussed it, but definitely fix the page up a bit, it's a little too bare-bones right now, you may have missed out on some of the "New" traffic, but don't miss out on people who want to see a flashier page!

As for once I realized there were multiple objectives: 

- Initially I thought the first objective was the only objective. Once I read through the itch page I realized my mistake and tried again. 

- Because of that, my first runs, I kept building the barracks early thinking my soldiers were bringing me 40 food, 40 wood... and I thought I needed that building to win the game. Now I realize how it works, maybe that's just me being dumb but I could see it tripping up other players. 

- Getting new goals really changed my perspective on the game. I still probably won't spend a ton of time on it just because the short time limit is frustrating to me, but I really like the idea! 

- I do think buildings should stay rotated in between being placed, it's fine if they reorient when you switch to a new building, but I shouldn't have to rotate -> place -> rotate to get two vertical farms in a row.

I was able to get to the point where I had to defend my lands against the other nobles, but fell just short of my food goal.

Ultimately, I think you've got something pretty cool here. There is definitely some polish that could happen, but off to a good start!


Thank you so much for such detailed feedback! I'm glad you liked the idea of the game.

As for your points, yes I believe that adding a "Give Up" button will make sense as well as having options to both restart the entire run and just the current level (starting with the game's state at the end of the previous level)

For the reason you can't build, maybe a list of blockers should appear somewhere like 
8 free population needed
100 Wood needed
When you have enough Ore but not enough population and Wood. I'm not entirely sure where to place it though :D

I will add a production display based on what happened in the last second next to every resource

Costs / production descriptions of buildings written on the buttons turned out to be confusing for many people, I'll try to address that.

About building rotation, absolutely!

As for the Itch page, looks like I need to study other games' pages more to see what's possible. One thing I saw was having a feature list which might be helpful.

I'll address these in a future update. Once again thanks a lot for all the points!